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Health and Wellness

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Digestive wellness

Customized Diet plan

Healthy cooking / meal planning

Diet and Detoxification

Healthy recipes

Local Food without any  fancy diet


Nehha Mahajan, founder of Health and Wellness, approach to weight loss, weight gain and therapeutic nutrition is unconventional from other nutritionist.


She does not believe in any fad diet like keto diet, intermittent fasting etc. Instead she lays emphasis on healthy lifestyle which sustain your health and cures ailments during and post program. With the rich 8 years of experience in the industry she has cured innumerable medical cases of PCOD, PCOS, high cholesterol, uncontrolled diabetes and has helped people with thyroid + PCOD to reach their target weight slowly and steadily.

She offers various online programs for weight loss, weight gain and therapeutic nutrition based on an individual requirement. Her diet plans are tailor made as per an individual needs depending on their lifestyle, eating habits, medical history, likes and dislikes to specific foods, allergies to certain food groups etc. 


In the online programs she sends customized diet plans and takes regular updates of the client’s comfort towards the program. She believes if you do not relish what you eat you don’t nourish yourself. Forced food in your body does not provide you with healthy nutrition. She takes utmost care as she plans the diet for an individual. 

Presently she has clients all over India and overseas and is even associated with famous brands as a visiting nutritionist. 


She believes that “a healthy you” is sustainable with a lifestyle change in your eating habits. When you eat a healthy diet you nature your mental health too which helps you to perform better in your sphere of life.

Her clients who have achieved their weight loss targets swear by her. She has not only made them loose weight but has also helped them in curing their deficiencies, ailments and Tsed energy levels with improvement in skin and hair health too. 


She offers a complete wellness package which takes care of your deficiencies, skin and hair health and definite weight loss comes alongside. Dealing with weight plateaus and clients distressed with their weight, is a part and parcel of the program. 

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