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5 foods to elevate your mood

Positivity during these times seems to be key. Let’s delve into foods that you must include into your diet to make you happy and cheerful at all times. Foods that are full of the all natural, serotonin boosting nutrients that can help you get happier and healthier with every bite.

1. Dark chocolate

It increases serotonin in the brain and helps your immune system. It is also considered to be a part of self – medication, they say when you are feeling low and you reach out for a dark chocolate you are intentionally trying to uplift your mood. So be guilt free sometimes and enjoy it.

2. Beets

They contain betaine, elevating your mood along the way, they have a potent doze of folic acid in them, which stabilizes emotional and mental health and helps in improving your moods.

3. Chamomile tea

This has been said to be ‘wonder tea’ that not only induces better sleep but also improves cognitive functioning during the day which helps you stay on the top of your game.

4. Red wine

There has been a research in Spain according to which drinking an occasional glass of red wine reduces depression significantly. It is also said to be good for heart health. So grab a glass of wine, and have a happy weekend!!

5. Yogurt and other probiotics

Fermented foods like yogurt, kunchi and saverbraut, that help your gut bacteria in check lead to less stress anxiety and also keeps depression at bay.

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