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Avocado – Benefits Galore

It’s a fruit that contains 20 vitamins and minerals and only 64 calories, this is a fruit that can be relished guilt free.

They are full of healthy and beneficial fats that keep you full and satiated.

An essential vitamin, which is vitamin K is very important for bone health and prevents osteoporosis and half of an avocado provides 25% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin K.

For health freaks it is beneficial to incorporate Avocado in their diet as it is fibre rich and reduces appetite for at least 5 hours after eating one.

They boost the immune system and contain more potassium than bananas and help lower your cholesterol levels.

Avacados are packed with fibre, they are especially high in insoluable fibre. Which is the kind that helps waste through the body. Fibre keeps you regular and keeps you away from constipation.

The benefits of eating an Avocado are gallore….So enjoy binging!!

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