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Chilly winters often invite cold cough and sore throat these problems do not allow the proper respiratory function of the body and block the respiratory pathway which results in breathing problems. Asthma is one of the diseases that affects the lungs and airways in winters. Asthma patients have to be extra careful as they are vulnerable. Every asthma patient knows that some triggers can cause a flare up. These triggers can cause the formation of mucus and make the patient wheeze, cough and struggle to breathe. Since cold air is dry which makes airways irritated and swollen and that worsens asthma symptoms. During winters our body produces more mucus that makes it more prone to infections.

Some of the ways Asthma patients can manage in winters are:

  • Air filters to be replaced: Modern houses have good heating systems that can keep the entire house warm with minimal effort and cost, but extra filters are also required that keep the junk out from the indoor air and keeps the air quality good.The change in seasons from fall to winter makes it best time to change the filters with a clean one that can catch up more pollutants from the air and make it cleaner.

  • Staying indoors this is the best way of staying out of infections. One should stay indoors and cover the nose and mouth area if travelling outdoors.

  • Using a humidifier: Being an asthma patient and getting sick is worse. Winter is the most crucial time to take precautions and to protect one against severe symptoms. Make sure to get a flu shot early in the season, wash hands regularly and maintain hygiene, stay away from sick people and visit a doctor.

  • Drinking warm beverages: Including more fluids in the diet makes the mucus thinner and that results in fewer chances of getting sick. Some of the warm beverages include ginger tea, green tea and fennel tea.

  • Clean house regularly: a clean house with getting rid of the dust which is a major trigger point of asthma patients. One must get rid of all the dust particles especially, in the blankets and mattresses.

  • Exercise and workout indoors regularly: When the temperature drops during the winters, one must follow a proper exercise regimen and follow it indoors to prevent asthma symptoms. The air in the home is more humid and better for breathing than the cold dry air outdoors.

  • Follow a healthy diet plan: People with more severe asthma can have low levels of Vitamin D. Some food items such as milk, eggs can be included in the diet as they are all good sources of vitamin D. One can also spend some time outdoors in the sun.

  • Breathe through your nose: One must breathe through your nose and keep the mouth closed. This is advised as the dry cold air when taken through the mouth can trigger the symptoms. But on the other side, the nose is designed in such a way that it warms the air. One can also cover the nose and mouth area with warm scarfs.

Winters are the most crucial time for asthma patients due to the cold dry air. Stay safe and be careful during winters.

Extremities of Food Temperature should be avoided by asthma patient

Asthma is the condition that is tough to completely cure, but a healthy diet can influence how it manifests and to what extent it affects your body. While there is no specific diet that an asthmatic person needs to follow, yet there are foods that are advised against, as these may lead to aggravation or lead to resurfacing of symptoms like wheezing coughing and difficulty in breathing.

Weather conditions can also bring asthmatic problems. Dry, cold air is a common asthma trigger and can cause bad flare-ups. This is especially true for people who play winter sports and have exercise- induced asthma. Similarly, hot, humid air can also be a problem. In some places, heat and sunlight combine with pollutants to create ground level ozone. Such kind of ozone can be a strong asthma trigger.

Just as change of seasons affect the asthma patients in the same way extremities of food temperature should be avoided by people dealing with asthma. Keep in mind that individual reactions of food vary a great deal but here are some guidelines on what to avoid that possibly help asthma or at least not make it worse.


  • Cold dairy products - Asthma patients should keep away from dairy products like milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese as much as they can, as they can easily trigger an attack which may include wheezing and coughing.

  • Cold cuts- Most cured meats such as bacon, cold cuts, ham and hotdogs contain additives called nitrates. Companies often add nitrates for colour or to extend shelf life that triggers the condition.

  • Sour and Refrigerated foods- Avoid foods such as tamarind, pickles, chutneys and lemonade and attempt to eat freshly cooked meals and avoid anything that has been refrigerated.

  • Keep away from spices – Spices have a tendency to stimulate nerves in the mouth, throat and lungs and results in release of saliva that is watery, therefore thinning of mucus. So spicy or hot foods along with garlic, onion and hot mustard must be avoided.

  • Alcohol and aerated drinks- These drinks can give up can give off sulphur dioxide that irritate a lung which aggravate wheezing and causes breathing difficulties. In addition, Histamine found in especially high levels in red wine and some beers, is the same substance released by the body during an allergic reaction.

To avoid triggering the symptoms it is advised to eat lung friendly foods such as apples, berries that are loaded with antioxidants, and even ginger, turmeric and tulsi that can help and manage the condition better.

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