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Excessive screen-time leads to the reduction of active play from a child's life which is essential for child’s learning and development. There are plenty of things you can do to ensure your child has a healthy lifestyle. The prime focus should be on a physical activity which helps with stress, besides mental stimulation and most importantly a balance diet with food from all three food groups-vegetables and fruit, whole grain products, and protein foods. Healthy snacks are as important as the food you serve as meals. Let’s have a look at must-haves to combat the lethargic lifestyle this pandemic has bestowed on us.

Fresh Fruits

The benefits from fruits is like no other, the nutrients provided through fresh fruits can prevent chronic diseases and strengthens the immune system to help fight illnesses. It also aids the functioning of the digestive system due to the fibre content. Fruits are also rich in vitamin A which is important for healthy eyes and has become the need of the hour for children.


A healthy diet means eating lot of vegetables. Veggies give your child energy, vitamins, antioxidants, fibres and water. Vegetables have the power to reduce the risk of many diseases and helps in building strong teeth, bones and nails. They are indispensable in any child’s life.

Egging It

Excessive screen time hampers cognitive skills and the protein and nutrients. Eggs help the kids to concentrate better. Eggs are at the core of a diet that will help children grow up healthy, strong and smart.


They not only make great first food for babies but are high in mono unsaturated fats, which decrease inflammation and keep cholesterol levels healthy. Avocados provide healthy fats to a child's life.


We all have depended on milk throughout our growing years and the power of milk cannot be underestimated in raising kids. It helps in building strong bones as it is full of calcium and vitamin D3. So it must always be an essential part of a child's life.

Nuts and Seeds

It is important to take note of the snacking habits in your children. Nuts and seeds contain good fats and when eaten in moderation, their health benefits outweigh the danger of the fat content.

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