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Here’s what to do:

One of the leading factors for having a protruding belly is abdominal bloating. Abdominal bloating occurs when the amount of gas in in our gastrointestinal track increases. Normally there is around 1 litre of gas within our stomach and intestine however this amount differs from person to person; depending on their diet and lifestyle.

How do you know you are bloated?

Individuals with bloated abdomen may experience problems such as excess gas, pain in the abdomen, habitual burping and abdominal rumbling.

If you face any of these symptoms there are ways to get rid of a bloated belly without rigorous exercise.

  • Massage the region below the diaphragm

This region can be located by placing your four fingers above your belly button. (The place the uppermost finger is located is where your diaphragm is.) You need to massage this point in clockwise and anticlockwise direction for about three minutes. Once you finish you should be able to feel a sour taste in your mouth. The salvation should ideally increase. This technique helps reduce the formation of excess gas and relax your stomach.

  • Massage the region just above your belly button

Massage this region for two to three minutes in the clockwise and anticlockwise direction. This technique will help you reduce the stomach pain as well as reduce the water retention in the body.

  • Massage the region just above your pubic bone

This region can be located by placing your four fingers under your belly button, the place where your little finger is located is where you have to massage yourself massage this region for two to three minutes in the clockwise and anticlockwise direction. This helps to increase the intestinal activity and you gradually start feeling better.

  • Drinking a glass of water with half lemon before meals.

A glass of warm water with half a lemon before a meal helps in reducing the levels of gastric juices secreted by the stomach. It also prevents belching relief to people who suffer from heart burns and reduce the formation of gas in the intestines.

Lemon juice is also very good source of vitamin C

  • Avoid consuming too much milk or coffee.

Milk causes your stomach to secrete gastric juices. Milk is quite heavy and should not be treated as a drink instead replace milk with yogurt as it contains good bacteria; which help your stomach in digestive process. This in turn helps to reduce the amount of gas in your stomach and intestines.

  • Avoid water consumption during a meal

Never drink water in between your meal.

Drink water fifteen minutes prior your meal else an hour post meal. Drinking water with food dilutes the gastric acid and enzymes in the stomach. This may increase the amount of time required to digest your food the longer it takes for food to be digested the more gas accumulates in the Gastrointestinal track (GI Track).

  • Never consume alcohol on an empty stomach

Consuming alcohol triggers the production of gastric acid in your stomach. With no food reaching the stomach the acid begins to damage your stomach lining and kills the good bacteria this causes the digestive process to slow down which in turn increases bloating. Always take a meal before consumption of alcohol.

  • Consume ginger tea

Ginger helps cool down the stomach and increases the blood circulation in the body. It helps in thinning the blood; these properties of ginger help reduce the formation of gas in the GI track which in turn reduces abdominal bloating.

  • Avoid junk food

Consuming foods with high fat content slow down the digestive process. Fast food is considered as a heavy food; the heavier the food the greater the amount of gas released in the stomach.

  • Do not eat too much air

Abdominal bloating is a result of excess gas in the GI tract. Therefore, actions that lead to consuming excess air results in increased bloating. Some actions include consuming fizzy drinks that contain high amount of dissolved carbon dioxide, finishing the meal without chewing properly (we should chew each bite a minimum of 15-20 times), open our mouth wide leads to air entering the food pipe, smoking as well as chewing bubble-gum. All these stimulates the secretion of gastric acid which damages the stomach lining on an empty stomach leading to bloating as mentioned before.

  • Avoid over eating fibrous foods

We all know about the benefits of fibre during the digestive process. However, consuming a very high amount of fibre can lead to the excess gas formation and interfere with the functioning of the intestines.

  • Do not overwork yourself

Depression and increase stress levels affect the function of the intestine which intern slows down digestive processes. To reduce the stress levels try meditating for half an hour on a daily basis the more relaxed you feel the smoother your body will function.

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