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Foods that are a complete No-No during Monsoons

Boom! Some respite from the scorching heat. It’s time to give in to temptations and enjoy this beautiful weather with some goodies.

The lovely monsoon season also bring with it immense bacteria and insects along, which can cause infections. Let’s take a rain check on what to avoid during rains:

*Sea Food - Along with tons of puddles, the monsoon also brings in food cravings. To satiate non-veg cravings it’s best to stick to chicken and mutton as it is the breeding season for fish and prawns. And, if you must then ensure it’s thoroughly cooked.

*Fried Food - The humidity in this weather disrupts the digestion process in the human body. The frequent invites that the rain gives to Samosas and Pakoras can lead to bloating and an upset stomach. Also, excess salt in these foods can lead to water retention. *Our Life Savers can prove to be Hazardous - Any diet that does not involve fruit is considered unhealthy. But if the fruits are Pre-cut and left open in the moisture during this weather it can lead to the development of bacteria, which can dissolve the idea behind having fruit. *Home food is safe food - Perfect time to indulge in some street food - chaat, papri and golgappe is what the heart says, but there are chances that it may have been prepared with contaminated water and can lead to diarrhoea, jaundice and other infections.

*Leafy Greens - Our most reliable source of nutrition, vegetables, also change course during monsoon. The dampness, dirt and mud present in the leaves makes add too many germs in these vegetables leading to stomach infections.

Making the most of this weather and enjoying Mother Nature can be a challenge without intelligence. But moderate eating habits coupled with an exercise regime can take us a long way!

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

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