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Harmful Effects of Reheating Cooking Oil

Oil is one of the most important ingredients in Indian household and without it cooking seems impossible. Puris and pakoras are a major hit during the festive season but what do you do of remaining oil.

Most of us reuse them.

Do you know that reused and reheated oil leads to release of toxic substances and free radicals in the body, causing inflammation and chronic diseases. Reusing oil seem good in order to avoid wastage of oil but continues reheating it make it poisonous for us.

Harmful effects of reusing our cooking oil:

Releases bad smell and toxic components:

On reheating of oil harmful toxins like aldehydes are released which lead to major health issues like cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and heart related diseases. Another toxin called HME is also released which causes alteration in DNA and RNA of our body. Every time oil is heated its fat molecule breaks down a little more causing it to reach it smokes points which released bad smell.

Increase your cholesterol level:

During high temperature the fat present in oil gets converted into trans-fat which are harmful fat, leading to cause high cholesterol and heart related diseases.

Causes acidity:

If you consume reused oil, it also increases the risk of acidity, stomach burn, throat problems and other problems. So, it is advised to avoid eating from street vendors as they have high chances of reheating oil.

Have carcinogenic properties:

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), which have potential carcinogenic risks that are also released by reheating of oil.

Spikes up high blood pressure level:

Consuming reused oil also increases chances of high blood pressure. The chemical composition of frying oil changes with time and releases free fatty acids. Repeated use of fried oil can result in compound toxicity, lipid deposition, oxidative stress, hypertension, atherosclerosis and many more health issues.

Consuming reheated and reused oil leads to numerous health hazards. FSSAI (food safety and standards authority of India) guidelines talks about limiting the use of reused oil and a maximum of three times is permitted to avoid transfer fat formation.

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