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Meditation - A way of happy, healthy life

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing and letting go of all efforts to relax in your true nature, which is love, joy, and peace. The practice of meditation gives you deep rest. It is essential to reduce stress levels and maintain mental hygiene.

The benefits of meditation are manifold - a calm mind, focussed attention, good concentration power, clarity of thoughts and feelings, balanced emotions in stressful situations, improved communication skills, the birth of new skills and talents, unshakeable inner strength, healing powers, ability to connect to an inner source of energy, relaxation, rejuvenation, and even the ability to attract good luck! These are all the natural effects of regular meditation practice.

Today, meditating daily is not a luxury but a necessity. To be unconditionally happy and to have peace of mind, we need to tap into the power of meditation. The purpose of meditation is to make one calm, stress-free, free from pain, healthy and happy. Meditation helps in maintaining good physical, mental & emotional health.

Meditation for beginners:

Practicing meditation is as easy as inhaling and exhaling. As you practice meditation exercise on a regular basis, perhaps once, or ideally twice a day, you feel a transformation - inside out - so much so that people around you also start recognizing the beautiful energy you carry along with you. So, everyone should meditate for a few minutes every - day to make life stress-free and happy.

8 Tips to get started with meditation for beginners:

*Choose a convenient time

*Choose a quiet place

*Sit in a comfortable posture

*Keep a relatively empty stomach

*Start with a few warm-ups

* Take a few deep breaths

*Keep a gentle smile on your face

*Open your eyes slowly and gently

Meditation For Weight Loss: Awareness Can Help Change Food Habits

Weight loss is an act of immense courage, commitment, and willpower. Anyone who treads this path wishes to achieve the desired result. Meditation a natural simple tool can help you expedite your progress to weight loss.

Losing weight is as much a mental process as a physical one. If you could train your mind to refuse junk food, you have won half the battle. There are a few ways where meditation can play a big role in your weight loss process, discover how.

How meditation helps to lose weight?

1. Meditation lowers your BMR effortlessly

2. Meditation aids in the assimilation of food

3. Meditation moderates unhealthy urges for fast food

4. Meditation = Less stress

5. Meditation boosts commitment

6. Meditation helps you make time for weight loss

“I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one,” said Mahatma Gandhi.

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1 Comment

Jul 02, 2021

Deep insight into the benefits of meditation..... beautifully penned 👍

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