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Ways To Combat The Monsoon Mania

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

Corona monsoon can lead to a havoc on the mind and body. So let’s keep our spirits high and our diets enriched. There are various essential foods that we need to include in our diets in order to boost our immune system and uplift our mood. There is absolutely nothing more vital than looking after your health.

So let's see if these essentials are a part of your routine-

*Seasonal fruits- For utmost nutrition make sure you intake these in your diet, fruits such as custard Apple, apples, mangoes, cranberries, Peaches, pears and dragon fruit. Banana and papaya are also a great choice as they are all rich in fibre.

*Anti inflammatory foods- Foods like berries, vegetables, turmeric, ginger,walnuts, green leafy vegetables, and beetroot tend to boost the immune levels in the body and also keep diseases like gastrointestinal at Bay. As our body is more susceptible to health issues during the rainy season they are a must.

*Water, water all the way - There Is no escape to drinking plenty of water, fluids such as soup, broth etc Help in rehydrating and there is no substitute for this indeed.

*Herbal Teas - If You are prone to allergies during the rains, here is your answer. They are rich in antioxidants and help fight illnesses and flush out harmful substances from the body. The greatest benefit would be the help in Improving the metabolism which usually takes a hit during this weather.

*Green Magic- The benefit of veggies cannot be overtaken by any other food group. Especially the benefits of the “gourd family” Namingly bottle gourd, bitter gourd, Ridge gourd and snake gourd should not be forgotten. Green leafy vegetables provide a large part of nourishment that the human body requires.

*Stay Fit- Irrespective of the form of workout that you enjoy , as long as you give an hour to your body a day You are in a good place . the key to real happiness is to keep a healthy mind and a healthy body.

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