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Know when your body is dehydrated??

Dehydration can be termed as excessive loss of body fluids caused by:

  • Excessive sweating & urination

  • Illness such as persistent diarrhoea and vomiting

  • Inadequate intake of water

How does dehydration develop?

Dehydration is usually caused by an inadequate intake of fluids that have been lost due to the above-mentioned conditions. Other contributing factors include climatic conditions, diet and physical activity.Any situation that causes the body to lose more water than usual and failure to replenish on the lost body fluids leads to dehydration.


Sweating is a part of our body’s natural cooling process. The more you sweat the more evaporation there is and the more you are cooled off as some amount of body heat is lost in this process of evaporation. Sweating also hydrates your skin and maintains a balance of electrolytes in the body. The fluid we sweat comprises mainly of salt and water.

Excessive sweating in turn causes dehydration and you can lose large amount of water. This condition of excessive sweating is termed as hyperhidrosis.


Illness of the gastrointestinal tract that cause continuous vomiting and diarrhoea can result in dehydration. As in these conditions too much water along with essential minerals are expelled from the body and we lose on important electrolytes. Electrolytes are the essential minerals for instance sodium, potassium phosphates bicarbonate etc found in our blood, sweat and urine. These electrolytes are important for various bodily functions including nervous and muscle function, they maintain the ph. level and keeping you hydrated.


If you have fever, your body loses fluids through the skin surface in an attempt to lower your temperature. Fever often causes you to sweat more and if you do not drink an adequate amount of liquids to replenish you end up getting dehydrated.


Urination is the bodies normal way to release toxins. Some conditions can cause chemical imbalances which can increase urine output if you don’t replace the lost fluid.

How to treat dehydration?

Treatment for dehydration include-

  • Rehydrating methods

  • Electrolyte replacement

  • Treating diarrhoea or vomiting if needed

Home Remedies

If a store-bought electrolyte drink isn't available, you can make your own rehydration solution at home. It is the most effective and least expensive way to manage diarrhoeal dehydration.


  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 6 teaspoons of sugar

  • 1litre of clean, boiled and cooled water

Things to be avoided during dehydration

  • soda

  • alcohol

  • overly sweet drinks

  • caffeine

These drinks can aggravate dehydration.


Dehydration occurs when you are not getting enough fluids. Whether you lose fluids from exercising, hot weather or illness dehydration can become fatal - no matter the cause.You can prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and taking electrolytes when you start to notice the symptoms.

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