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"We first make our habits,

and then our habits make us."

John Dryden
Healthy Woman
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Diksha Verma

Lost post pregnancy weight; 15kgs lighter

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Deepti Yallurkar

Lost 12kgs in 3 months and is all smiles making her beautiful as ever

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Deepali Sachdeva

Lost 6kgs in 25 days only with our customized diet plan

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Aarushi Mittal

Lost 20 kgs with noticeable inch loss.

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Dr. Khyati

Lost 23kgs at age of 35 years making her look younger & fitter

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Nandini Goswami

Lost 17kgs in 3 months with our customized plan to make her look healthy and fit

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Shweta Dogra

Lost 5 kgs in 2 months with noticeable inch loss

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Mashuda Khanam

LLB student lost 5 kgs in a month by doing an online consultancy

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From 92 to 70 kgs in 5 months at age of 23

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Chetna Batra

Business Woman from Delhi lost 5kgs in 2 months

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Divya Bhatia

lost 17 kgs in 5 months and is happily maintaining it

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Radhika Thakar

A student and a housewife lost 17kgs in 4 months 

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Young professional from New Delhi lost 15kgs in 4 months

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Divya Bhanot

From 72 to 58 in just 3 months at age of 31



 Lost 10 kgs with noticeable inch loss at age of 20 



1.5 month transformation

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1 month transformation

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Lost 20 kgs with visible inch loss


Inam Siddiqui 

 Lost 8 kgs with noticeable inch loss in 1 months

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Christina John

 Lost 6 kgs in a month with noticeable inch loss

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Shilpa Singh

Banker by profession she lost 20 kgs in 4 months

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Aishwarya Dayal

Gracefully lost 8 kgs



From South India lost 12 kgs

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Visible Inch loss  in 1 month


Harsh Maheswari

At 31 years of age lost 9kgs in a healthy way in just 35 days

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Rajat Anand

28 year old , an Engineer lost 9 kgs in 2 months 


She finally started fitting into her old clothes. Her smile says it all and looks happy with our programme.


lost her all over body and face fat by loosing 13.5 kgs in 3 months

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Lost 10 kgs in 2 months shed her post pregnancy weight with a healthy lactation diet to become a fit mom...

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Gracefully lost 8 kgs in 2 months and got healthy eating habits, glowing skin to look gorgeous on her wedding day.

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Healthy happy mom who lost 5 kgs to get back to her pre-natal shape

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Post Pregnancy weight loss of 6 kgs in one month with noticable inch loss

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Lactating mom lost 12 kgs in 3 months got back to her pre natal outfit

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Her dedication has made her 16 kgs lighter and left her with a glowing skin

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Lost 5 kgs in 2 months as we worked on her hormonal imbalance and corrected it

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Lost 6 kgs in one month with noticable inch loss

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Lost 11 kgs in 3 months. You can't miss her glowing and healthy skin

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Lost 12 kgs with us  making her look younger and fit.

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lost 11kgs in 3months with noticable inch loss. Making him look healthy and fit as ever.

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We are half way to our goal before we get into our mini black dress

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30 days dedication to her health has helped her loose 4.3 kgs. She is happy to fit into her favourite outfits. We helped her loose her face fat and inches overall.

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Her smile says it all how happy she is with her progress at 44years. She looks younger, fitter and more importantly feels healthy inside out.

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She joined our programme saying she could never loose weight and she stayed with us for 2 months and we helped loose 5 kgs and she fit in her old wardrobe. Now she motivates everyone around her to adopt a health lifestyle instead of just loosing weight.

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Dr. Pooja

Our young doctor shuffling between her home town and hostel managed to loose 6 kgs with noticeable inch loss. Her body language explains how happy and satisfied she is with our programme.

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Meenakshi Agarwal

lost 15kgs and inches overall. Lost her face fat and extra bulges too.

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lost 5 kgs in 2 months at the age of 40 toning down her face fat looking young and beautiful as ever...

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Lockdown weight gain done right....our young client explains it. She is happy to fit in her favourite clothes...we are glad to help her.

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Looks charming as ever. We are glad to be a part of her weight journey. She is happy to get back to her fashionable wardrobe.



Manasi is suffering from thyroid yet lost 13 kgs along with noticeable inch loss.



Lost his fat and reversed his high  cholesterol just by following a customized diet plan.


Our overseas client reversed her ageing and menopause symptoms in 3 months !!


reversed her ageing in just 2 months…she looks charming as ever.


 lost 38 kgs in 5 months….kudos to his determination !!


 Our customized diet program eased her struggle with menopause weight.

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